Our beliefs

A true leader increases productivity and wellbeing
Selecting and enabling the right leadership talents will boost productivity, efficiency, creativity, quality and wellbeing of the people and with that the overall performance of the organisation.


The mission of Humandia is to select and enable the right (future) leaders for organizations. People will find more wellbeing, motivation and happiness in their work when they work for and with a good leader. Selecting and enabling the right leaders will foster not only the talent, performance and wellbeing of the leader, but certainly also of the staff members who are (directly or indirectly) supervised by this leader.

To frame it differently: our mission is to avoid bad leadership. Bad leadership deteriorates company values, culture and productivity. In other words: Bad leaders or executives undermine happiness and motivation and in the end creativity, productivity or profitability.


Humandia consults in making the right leadership choices for your organisation. Obviously, everybody has talent and we figure out what somebody’s talent truly is and how to live up to the full talent potential. With this, we help driving leadership for your organisation.


We do this by conducting scientific supported assessments for leadership and executive positions and enabling leaders and executives through training, coaching and consulting.

More wellbeing in the world

In our assessments we look if there is a fit between the individual or team and the organizational purposes. We have the philosophy that when this fit exists, this is not only better for the performance of the organization in the end, but also for the wellbeing of the people in it. Both the leader and staff members will not only perform better but will also feel better when there is a fit between job, leader and staff. Or to use Confucius’ words: ‘When the leader is done with his job, people will say it happened naturally’.

In trying to bring a bit of extra wellbeing, also outside the business context, Humandia donates 2.5% of its revenue to Terre des Hommes and Red Cross. Like Humandia, these organizations are from Swiss origin, but internationally active and also have clearly a humanistic philosophy. Terre des Hommes tries to help children in less fortunate positions and foster their talents where possible and Red Cross gives direct aid in war and disaster zones. We think good purposes that match with our values and mission: fostering human talent, performance and wellbeing.