Our Expertise & USP’s

Finding the true leader
Selecting and enabling the true leader or leadership team using state of the art scientific insights.

Deploying a strong focus on leadership

Founder Dr. Frederic Damen attained a PhD on Leadership and a Master in Social Psychology and Psychometrics. He has published in academic journals like Academy of Management Journal on Effective Leadership and has a vast 20 years of experience in assessing and enabling leaders and executives. In his career so far, he passionately assessed or enabled over 2000 managers and executives, mostly in an international context.

Having scientific roots and expertise

Humandia developed a specific Leadership competency model and Leadership Interview. See also more information in the Assessment Lab where new tools and innovations are piloted

Delivering high service

We work with a wide global network of associate consultants. Our consultants are also able to follow the candidates worldwide, quickly and at low costs. Also modern technology is used to replace face to face elements if needed (e.g. Skype and an online Leadership Game). The assessment or enablement session can of course also take place at our office in Zürich. Feedback on the results to both hiring manager(s) as well as the candidate is always included, as well as a Business Outcome Study (providing business intelligence) after 20 individual assessments or 1 team assessment.


Added value of face to face

We provide expert based assessment and enablement for mostly leadership functions. Although the presence of modern technology is certainly used, we do believe that human interaction between consultant and candidates at this level has added value (e.g., to get a better understanding of dimensions such as culture, emotions, passion, non-verbal behavior). That’s why our consultants are very senior and flexible in following the candidate. Online validated tools and technology is of course used, but as part of our assessments and enablement, not as restitution.

Boosting your ROI

Humandia has developed –based on economic models such as the utility concept by Schmidt & Hunter- a Return on Investment Calculator to advise you correctly in which efficient assessment-mix to pick for maximizing your leadership talent. This tool can be shown and delivered free of charge to your organisation.

Being a humanistic company

By our general mission of bringing wellbeing through predicting good job match and donating 2.5% of our revenue to Terre des Hommes and Red Cross.

Founder Dr. Frederic Damen
